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SD Services

Your schedule, your goals

Trainings and seminars

SD Coaching offers tailored-made training, coaching, content and keynotes based on research and proven methods around the power of habits and effectiveness. During these, we are going to explore the conditions for lasting and progressive change and develop innovative solutions to reach our aspirations. Together, we will discover that it is possible to improve our habits in a simple and efficient manner and witness that our good resolutions really are worth taking. Mastering our daily actions leads to a tremendous increase in productivity on top of a whole range of health benefits.

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Habit Coaching

SD Coaching offers individual habit coaching. Working directly with Simon is an investment in yourself, leading to your desired health goals and mastery of your daily routine. Together, we analyze your needs and develop a plan that is tailored-made for you. These coachings are done either online or at a specific location depending on your place of residence. Your current situation is the starting point, and from there we take it step by step towards the results that you want.

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Personal Training

If you’re Brussels-based and want to get moving more but you don’t know how, then physical training might be the right step for you. Either in the gym or outdoors, my services are holistic and tailored to your needs. Wether you prefer to train with weights in the gym or to improve your running outdoors, SDCoaching offers individual coaching sessions that are tailored-made for you. Duo personal training or small group training are also a possibility. This can be combined with habit coaching.

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